Help! My website is down!

Please note, the following only applies to sites and domains hosted at Chillidog Hosting. Websites hosted elsewhere should contact their respective hosting company.

To start, please don't panic. We'll outline a few troubleshooting tips for your site.

  1. Please start by checking out Status Page. Our status page details the status of each of our services (Web, Email and FTP) across all of our servers.

  2. Please check our Mastodon Page. We often Tweet about maintenance and other items.

  3. My site gives a 500 status error page. A 500 error is typically a PHP error. PHP generated an error and wasn't able to provide the server with a response. If you encounter a 500 error, please check your cPanel File Manager for an error_log file (yes, that's the name). This file will tell you what add-on generate the error.

  4. If you get a 403 Forbidden error, this means that your site was not published in the correct folder. Please verify that your Publishing Path in RapidWeaver is correct. Remember, your primary domain (the one you signed up with) has a publishing path of exactly public_html/.

Last Updated: June 19th, 2023

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